Luci Gray
Chiropractor Bsc Mmca
Spiro Clinic and Wellness Centre was established in South Shropshire in 2007 by Luci Gray. We moved to our fantastic and spacious new premises at Lower Galdeford, Ludlow in 2020 and now offer an extensive range of healthcare services including:
Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Counselling, Crainio sacral therapy, Holistic beauty therapy including Dr Hauschka facials, Hypnotherapy,
Lymphatic drainage, Massage, Osteopathy, Play therapy for children, Physiotherapy, Reflexology and Shiatsu.
We also offer a range of classes in the hall, such as Thai Chi, First Aid, and Pilates. Henny Flynn runs courses supporting women during Menopause. Women's circle sessions are run by Sarah Churcher.
Chiropractor Bsc Mmca
Osteopath BSO, UCO
Physiotherapist MSc Bsc (Hons)
Shiatsu DS.FwSS.
Beauty Therapy, Electrolysis, Reflexology & Therapeutic massage
Massage Therapy & Reception
Play and Creative Arts Therapy
Massage Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy, Therapeutic Massage & Yoga
Spiro Chiro is a multi disciplinary setting hosting four airy and spacious treatment rooms with a large hall and light filled waiting room.
We are situated on the edge of the Lower Galdeford carpark in Ludlow which makes parking easy with disability parking spaces right outside the clinic.
At Spiro Clinic we work as a team and patients may be referred to another practitioner if they require additional professional support to enhance their progress. So whatever your needs we should be able to help.
Treatments offered: Chiropractic, Counselling, Holistic beauty therapy, Hypnotherapy, Lymphatic drainage, Massage, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Play Therepy for children, Reflexology and Shiatsu.
Spiro clinic takes the safety of all its staff and patients / clients very seriously and have a comprehensive Covid health and safety policy (which is displayed within the Clinic and is also available below).
All practitioners and staff adhere to the Covid health and safety policy which includes the relevant PPE, temperature checks for all on arrival and the clinic premises are fogged daily. All practitioners and staff lateral flow test twice a week to insure we keep everyone safe.
Spiro clinic HALL
Spiro Clinic also has a large spacious hall where we offer a range of classes to complement the work within the clinic and help promote a healthy lifestyle:
Thai Chi, Pilates, Yoga, Sound healing and First Aid
If you would like to book a treatment or have any questions or queries please contact us.
Telephone: 01584 874200
Smithfield, Lower Galdeford, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1RTEmail: spirochiroclinic@gmail.com